
  • Django and WebSocket


  • Write-up - Hack the Box - Mirai

    This is how I approached the retired box ‘Mirai’ from Hack the box.

  • Write-up - Hack the Box - Bank

    This is how I approached the retired box ‘Bank’ from Hack the box.

  • After 6 months of software development, some nice tricks I learnt about

    As a computational chemist starting out in software development, these are some tricks that I wish I had known while I was doing my PhD.

  • Are UK trains actually always late?

    In the last few years, I was taking trains pretty regularly. I’m talking about a-few-times-a-week kind of regularly. I started hearing myself complain about delays all the time, maybe as often as I complained about my PhD. Okay.. maybe not quite that much.

  • Convert Luxembourg social security numbers from 11 to 13 digits

    I recently wanted to apply online for postal vote for the European elections. To complete the application I needed to know my 13 digits social security number. But when I went to type it in, I realised mine only had 11 digits. What?? Well, apparently it was changed in 2014 and I hadn’t realised until now… Well done me.

  • Surgery of TensorFlow (v1.10) graphs

    This short post shows how to replace some operations in a TensorFlow graph that has been reloaded from a .pb file. This is actually quite simple to do, but all the tutorials that I found when I needed to do this were for older versions of TensorFlow, so it took me longer than it should have.

  • How to construct Atom Centered Symmetry Functions (ACSFs)

    In chemistry, the most common way of representing molecules is to use Cartesian coordinates.

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